International Network for
Digital Innovation, Research & Education

INDIRE is a call for an international forum to critically study
what digital innovations are for humans
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Our Manifesto

Our Manifesto of six inter-connected principles shares our intentions for research to go beyond our comfort zone and current conventions.

Generate Ideas

Ideation is essential to improve our collective understanding of the technology-human condition. We ideate to increase our knowledge assets, innovate and encourage creative actions.

Raise Questions

We foster a community that can harness the power of human dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and draw out ideas.

Challenge Assumptions

It is wise to challenge dominant paradigms with a questioning mind. Step into the unfamiliar in order to untangle perceptions and change mindsets and behavior.

Encourage Creativity

We provide opportunities to reflect on new ideas, explore different ways of thinking and solving problems. We need to think outside the box.

Explore Different Approaches

Be divergent in your thinking. When writing, allow your thoughts to ‘occur’ spontaneously, freely flowing, and non-linear. Be cognitive, and do not fear disruption.

Search for Causes

Nurture a desire for transformation. Look for reasons and find the source.

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144 days

Average time for article publication

30 days

Average time for peer review decision

500 words

Average peer review feedback length

7K words

Average article length


Acceptance rate

13 countries

Source of submissions

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