
Browse the INDIRE and Collaborative Journals

INDIRE Journals

Journal of Digital Innovation for Humanity
Digital innovation for humanity (DIH) was born from the spheres of influence created by the interactions between technology and humans. The journal of digital innovation for humanity (JDIH), contains four distinct and integral spheres of inquiry: the person, the self, the society, and the world. JDIH, is a response to the fast-evolving worlds of technology innovations and the lack of a central portal to disseminate relevant studies in this area (which is currently dispersed). These innovation ...

Collaborative Journals

International Journal of Community Development and Management Studies
The academically peer reviewed journal of “International journal of community development and management studies” is dedicated to examining social and economic development in diverse socio-economic environments. It explores the impact of cultural diversity and socio-economic complexity on community development, social policy, the research methodologies, the management sciences, entrepreneurial activities, communication and information theory and practice. The journal aims to help readers ...

World Experience and Innovation Impact Journal
The World eXperience and Innovation Impact Journal stems from World Case Committee affiliated competitions and partners competitions. The journal emphasizes on showcasing world impact challenges and recommended solutions aligned with a number of themes ranging from quality education to responsible production.

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