The Journal of Digital Innovation for Humanity is peer-reviewed. It accepts all types of intellectual work that addresses the interaction between digital innovations and humanity. The journal emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in the assimilation of technology in the human psyche, development, life, and evolution.
The journal is open to all, interdisciplinary, encouraging divergent thinking, and covering the digital-human condition. We publish a large spectrum of different types of works including original research articles including reviews and reappraisals of the literature, empirical studies, quantitative and qualitative contributions to the theories, applications of cases, position papers, reviews and assessments, and accounts.
All submissions undergo a peer-review process using the INDIRE submission system. We aim to provide feedback within 4-8 weeks of submission.
Digital innovation for humanity (DIH) was born from the spheres of influence created by the interactions between technology and humans. The journal of digital innovation for humanity (JDIH), contains four distinct and integral spheres of inquiry: the person, the self, the society, and the world.
JDIH, is a response to the fast-evolving worlds of technology innovations and the lack of a central portal to disseminate relevant studies in this area (which is currently dispersed). These innovations are astonishing in the way they have disrupted humans and the human condition.
We have to re-orient the way we do research, come together, discuss, lobby, and find innovative workable paradigms on how we will co-exist with computer-based intelligence.