Editorial Guidelines

Submit any format

Note 1: All articles submitted to our conferences and journals are first examined for similarity and plagiarism using the iThenticate System.

Note 2: INDIRE does not charge any fees for publishing an article at our conference proceedings and in our journals.

Note 3: INDIRE allows authors to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

Here we present a summary of the editorial expectations and a resources list that we would update regularly. More details can be found on the journal's web page.

Formatting an article to a journal's specifications takes a lot of effort. We are cognizant of this and would like to see your work for its value, quality, and relevance. Therefore, the new submission may be written with any formatting style, keeping - you just need to be consistent in your formatting. For example, you can use a single column, 14pts size first headers, and borders of 1 inch from all sides as long as they are the same throughout your document.

You would need to submit your manuscript as a single Word file to be used in the refereeing process. All your images, and tables, and other captions should be in the right place within your document. Your submission in word format allows us to number all lines for ease of referencing during the reviewing process.

Only when your paper is at the revision stage, will you be requested to put your paper into our 'formatting style'. We also provide paid services for formatting and editing your article when accepted.

Final Formatting

All INDIRE journals and conference's article format follow the American Psychological Association, APA with minor changes, as listed below. From the journal's website, you will be able to find information on a sample template which you can use to copy and paste your text into the required format.

In general, you can use the following as your primary style:

  • Font: Sans serif - Calibri 11-point, Arial 11-point; Serif Times New Roman 12-point (those fonts are good because they are legible, widely available, and include special characters. For the final version, you would need to copy and paste your article text into the template which uses the font "Palatino Linotype", and it may be a good idea to use that font firsthand.
  • Title: Bold size 18
  • Headers:
    • Level 1: Size 16 Bold
    • Level 2: Size 14
    • Level 3: Size 12
  • Tables: Caption number the table in sequence starting from 1, on top of the table with no spacing with the table, Size 11, bold, left aligned, ending with a full-stop.
  • Figures Same at tables but underneath the figure.
  • Biography: Make sure that your biography and the photo in your profile are up to date. This information will be used to insert at the end of your article.
  • References: See formatting as per the latest APA referencing guidelines.
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