Guest Speaker Abstract: Digital Virtual Verification Technology of More Electric Actuation System for Green Aviation

Jian FU, Haolin Ma
INDIRE Conference 2024  •  Volume 1 (2024)  •  pp. 1-2
A strong and ambitious goal is to achieve net-zero emissions in international civil aviation by 2050. This means moving away from conventional aircraft towards more electric or even all-electric concepts, which represents an ever greater challenge for the industry and society. Such an evolution towards green aviation requires pushing the limits of conventional approaches and making changes that lead to future aircraft configurations with innovative propulsion or non-propulsion systems, new energy sources and highly efficient energy management. The design of this future generation of more/all electric aircraft raises challenges not only to the structure and aerodynamics, but also to the electrically powered actuation architectures and thermal management. Currently, more electric actuation has now started to enter into service in the latest series of commercial aircraft and provides a wealth of data on actual usage. However, the question of when they can transition from backup or short-term use to active or long-term service status is an issue and a challenge for the international aviation industry. Digital virtual verification technology can be applied to any aircraft system to continue the entire design process and solve the problems of high cost, high time consuming, difficult test environment and complex fault injection methods. For example, it can realize the more electric actuation technologies for information interaction between multiple physical domains, and is much more suitable through integrated design processes, performance testing and digital manufacturing. In particular, digital virtual verification can be used to optimize more electric actuation for the architectural implementation and operation in flight controls, landing gears, cabin doors, thrust reversers, etc. for green aviation. This also increases the attractiveness of electric drive and actuation technologies for the application in the fields of launch vehicles, navigation ships, construction machinery and robotics in addition to green aviation.
Review  |  More electric aircraft; Green aviation; Flight controls; Electrically actuators; Virtual prototyping; Digital
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