Redefining Management Competencies in Industry: A Critical Analysis on HR Digital Transformation Effort

Eyden Samunderu, Antje Kuhnen
Journal of Digital Innovation for Humanity  •  Volume 4 (2023)  •  pp. 1-36   FEATURED ARTICLE

In order to address the objective of the research aim of this paper, the influence of digital leadership competencies on employee satisfaction is examined.

Digital leadership competencies are indispensable in the digital world of work today. Leaders need them to survive in the digital environment and act successfully together with their employees. However, relevant leadership competencies in the digital transformation have hardly been studied so far, and there is a lack of models that determine them and derive support needs for leaders.

In order to examine the relationship between a manager's digital competencies and employee satisfaction, a survey of employees is used as a research method.
A quantitative research approach investigates the characteristics considered digital leadership competencies. The underlying research question is addressed by using an online questionnaire completed independently by participants from different industries and different professional groups. In terms of using a reliability analysis, Cronbach's alpha was calculated with the data set obtained in the survey.

The results show a relationship between digital leadership skills and em-ployee satisfaction in the digital age. Derived from the findings, this re-quires the adaptation of further training measures by the responsible HR departments

The advancing digitalisation is also changing the requirements for the compe-tencies of managers. By adapting leadership skills, employee satisfaction in the company can be promoted in the long term in a transforming work environ-ment. In addition, the research has shown that a manager's ability to build net-works, both within organisations and with external partners, can significantly impact employee satisfaction. Thus, along with the competencies of trust, tech-nology affinity and cooperativeness, it represents an essential digital ability of leaders

Original Research (Quantitative)  |  Digital competencies, leadership, employee satisfaction, digital leader-ship, digital transformation
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